Contact Us

HOA Board Members

President - Jeff Reiten, phone 509-531-5722

Vice President - Paul Presby, phone 509-947-6801

Treasurer - Jeff Reiten (Acting), phone 509-531-5722

Secretary - Danielle Craigen, phone 206-427-8528

Director - Garth Stowe, phone 509-308-0026

Director - Jerry Cavens, phone 541-300-0182

Director - Raymond Swenson, phone 509-713-0966

Director - Ben Cartmell, phone 509-528-1413

Director - Debra Baldwin, phone 509-460-6888

Architectural Control Committee

ACC Chair - Garth Stowe, phone 509-308-0026

ACC Member - Jerry Cavens, phone 541-300-0182

ACC Member - Ben Cartmell, phone 509-528-1413

ACC Member - Raymond Swenson, phone 509-713-0966

Traffic Committee

Traffic Member - Ben Cartmell, phone 509-528-1413

Welcome Committee

Committee Member - Debra Baldwin, phone 509-460-6888

Social Media Communications

Social Media Chair - Danielle Craigen, phone 206-427-8528

Find us on Facebook at

Webmaster / Bookkeeper

Bookkeeper - Nancy Ness, phone 509-551-4915 •
Visit our HOA Dues page for payment information.
Realtors and Title Companies can find more information on our Realtors/Title Companies page.

Have general HOA questions, comments, or want to volunteer?

HOA President - Jeff Reiten, phone 509-531-5722

HOA Vice President - Paul Presby, phone 509-947-6801

Architectural Control Committee

Contact the Architectural Control Committee to submit a request. Click here to download the Architectural Change Request Form.


Contact: Garth Stowe, ACC Chair

Phone: 509-308-0026


Submit plans to:

     Meadow Springs Second Nine ACC Board

     Garth Stowe, ACC Chair

     246 High Meadows St

     Richland, WA 99352

Or via email at

Thank you for visiting our web site.  Please contact us to offer comments, to volunteer for a committee, or if you would like more information.